A cost effective alternative to traditional guarding.
Live in guardians are a cost-effective alternative to traditional security guarding and can complement Secure Empty Property’s physical and electronic security responses.
Property guardians live normal working lives. They provide free of charge protection and give a lived-in feel to the building – residential or commercial. We normally install an alarm system to the vacant property for additional security when the building guardian is out at work.
Vacant property guardians occupation can allow a significant cost saving on empty property rates making live-in guardians highly cost effective over an extended period.
Key features:
⦁ Reassuring and visible security presence on site. Provides security through occupation
⦁ Early notification of building maintenance or security issues
⦁ Low cost and flexible alternative to static guards
⦁ Guardians used in conjunction with the ZSS alarm system providing 24-hour security and fire protection
⦁ Can offer mitigation of empty property rates
⦁ No requirement to isolate and drain-down services
⦁ Maintains the property’s condition
Suitable where the property is likely to be empty for 6 months plus, empty property guardians ensure the property remains in occupation, stays fully maintained and can preserve the market value.
The Guardian has a vested interest in the property so will report any deterioration, leaks or security issues. You may even qualify for a discount on the rates that you are paying for your vacant premises.
A monitored, temporary alarm system with permanently live smoke detection is installed at every Guardian protected property to provide security when the live-in guardian is at work. So security levels are maintained 24-hours a day.
Building guardians are allocated an area of a property as their own to live within. All properties should have running water, electricity and be in reasonable condition. Secure Empty Property can sometimes convert a property to be suitable for occupation including the installation of showers or cooking facilities. A full risk and fire assessment is conducted during the survey stage to ensure suitability of each property allocated to a Guardian.
The process is quick and easy fully managed by Secure Empty Property. Live-in guardians are closely vetted before occupation and meet the following criteria :-
⦁ Be in full time demonstrable employment.
⦁ Have a bank account
⦁ Have no children living at the property.
⦁ Undertake a DBS (previously CRB) check on any criminal history.
⦁ Provide proof of address and identity.
⦁ Sign an agreed occupation licence authorising the temporary occupation of the property (this is not a tenancy agreement)
⦁ Agree to a Code of Conduct
Any breach of the licence terms results in immediate revocation of the occupation licence. A vacant property guardian has no tenancy rights for the duration of their stay.
In addition to our property guardian protection services, a monthly inspection report is submitted including meter readings and a property condition report.